Sloboda štampe, to je jedna od najvrijednijih tekovina modernog doba, međutim, od kada se u ime slobode štampe mogu pisati ovakve blatantne laži (i gluposti) koje očigledno imaju samo za zadatak uznemiravati neupućene?
Ovo ne samo da nisu tačne informacije nego su i sročene tako da izazovu maksimalnu paniku kod lakovjernih ljudi koji ne provijeravaju ili ne mogu provjeravati svoje informacije.
Naravno sloboda štampe je nešto što se ne smije zanemariti i ovi tvz "novinari" imaju pravo pisati svakojake baljezgarije, međutim sloboda štampe je dvosjekli mač pa stoga imam i ja pravo da ih napadam. Pročitajte ova dva članka:
Freedom of press is one of the most important heritages of the modern age but from when, in the name of freedom of press the journalists are allowed to write this kind of garbage meant only to mislead (lie) and upset the readers.
Not only that those information are lies but are drafted in such way to cause a distress in uninformed reader (whom will or can not check the sources), fear-mongering at its best.
Of course, freedom of press is not in question, and so all those jerks can write whatever they want but so can I also and expose them as liars as they are. Unfortunately for my English readers those articles are in my native language (Serbocroatian) but I will translate the headlines and that should be enough to see what kind of garbage is presented as news.
DATE CONFIRMED: The Earth will be hit by a huge Asteroid, fatal to humanity
(it talks about an asteroid which could theoretically hit Earth in 2880 with 1:4000 probability)
All world is in fear: For a three days Earth will be shrouded in total darkness
(it talks about an asteroid which could theoretically hit Earth in 2880 with 1:4000 probability)
All world is in fear: For a three days Earth will be shrouded in total darkness
(It talks about 3 days of darkness in December which will happen due to some solar flares and even quotes some NASA officials whom allegedly confirm that)
Ovo je sramota za novinarski poziv do te mjere da su i sami autori svijesni toga i potpisuju članak imenom portala.
Na ovom portalu (odakle potiču ovi članci) ima dosta sličnih članaka sa još bombastičnijim i obmanjujućim naslovima, čitav portal vrvi od toga, od svakodnevnih vijesti preko politike i vijesti iz medicine (uglavnom pseudonaučni mumbojumbo poput orogona, liječenja kristalima itd) pa do naučnih vijesti (koje mene lično interesuju). Sve su krcate polu istina, neistina, pogrešno predstavljenih činjenica i sve to je upakovano u tekst sročen tako da zvuči što je moguće prijeteći.
Ovakav trend novinarstva je sve češći po našim novinama i web portalima (kad kažem naše mislim na sve koje koriste srpskohrvatski jezik).
Da mi je znati đe im se dene novinarski integritet u kojeg se svi stalno kunu.
This is an utter shame for journalists profession and even authors are aware of that as they didn't sign those articles and used the name of the site instead.
On this site you can find a lot of such articles, unsigned, covering all possible topics, from politics, environment, news, medicine (mostly pseudo-scientific nonsense) and "science" news (in which I'm mostly interested), all of them written in misleading, bombastic and fear-mongering way.
I can see this kind of trash journalism expanding everywhere, it is becoming a menace to quality information and real news are all more difficult to find because this trash is clogging the net.
I wonder where did disappeared the journalist integrity in which all of them are so eager to proclaim on them selves.
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