Friday, August 28, 2015

GMO panika (genetski modifikovani organizmi) / GMO panics (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Da bi znali koliko je GMO opasan treba razumjeti što je GMO. Prema mnogim napisanim komentarima po internetu jasno se vidi da ljudi jako ali jako malo znaju o tome.

To know to what level GMO products are hazardous, we need first to know what are GMOs. Looking through peoples comments on social networks I can say that general population knows very little about it.

Na primjer Monsantovi Roundap rezistentni usjevi nisu opasni sami po sebi. Genetski kod koji je njima dodat a čini ih izdržljivim prilikom Roundap djelovanja nije opasan opasno je nešto drugo što je nevezano za genetski inžinjering. Naime ratari često pretjeruju prilikom upotrebe Roundap herbicida upotrebljavajući mnogo veću dozu herbicida od dozvoljne jer znaju da će usjevi izdržati djelovanje što dovodi do toga da usjevi postaju toksični tim otrovom. Roundap u većim dozama je opasan otrov i prema nekim preliminarnim istraživanjima možda i kancerogen.

For example Monsanto Roundup resistant crops are not dangerous by them selves. Genetic variation in DNA which make those crops resistant to Roundup herbicide is not dangerous, it is just a DNA variation. The danger comes from the fact that farmers use Roundup herbicide in excess, outside recommended dosage making crops laced with this chemical to a dangerous level. Roundup is poisonous in large dosages as any other chemical and it might be a carcinogen as some studies suggest.

Zato se u zemljama EU zabranjuje upotreba Roundap herbicida a ne upotreba Roundap GMO usjeva.

Because of this Roundup herbicide is increasingly outlawed in EU countries but not GMO crops resistant to this pesticide.

Genetski kod (DNA) nije otrovan i bilo kakva promjena u njemu, prirodna ili vještačka neće utjecati na ljude, čak što više DNA je prirodni i važan dio hrane koju jedemo.

Genetic code (DNA) is not poisonous (it is a natural part of our diet) and any change in it, natural or not will not affect humans eating it.  

Ovo je primjer dobro zamišljenog GMO proizvoda, riža koja posjeduje gen koji proizvodi vitamin A (tvz zlatna riža), GMO koji pomaže u mnogim krajevima svjeta da se smanji manjak tog vitamina koji može dovesti do sljepila. 

This is an example of well thought out GMO produce, rice which have added gene for vitamin A to its DNA (Golden Rice) is a GMO crop which can be used in vitamin A deficient parts of the world to prevent serious health risks to the population like blindness for example which is one of symptoms of vitamin A deficiency.

Genetski modificirana hrana nije ništa drugačija od vještački selektiranih usjeva, samo se radi o preciznijoj i bržoj modifikaciji genetskog koda nego što se postiže vještačkom selekcijom.

Genetically modified foods are not much different from artificially selected crops it is just a faster and more efficient method to alter crops to our advantage as artificial selection is a lengthily and slow process (which can take hundred of years sometimes).

Sve ovisi koji se proizvod želi dobiti.

It is all about what we want to get.

Mi svaki dan unosimo veliku količinu DNA kroz našu hranu iz raznih izvora (mesa, biljaka itd). Svaka količina te hrane posjeduje gomilu genetskih mutacija koje nastaju prirodno, a GMO je tek minimalna količina promjena kada se sagleda cjelokupna količina DNK kojeg pojedemo dnevno i koji je prirodno mutiran. Genetski materijal u našoj hrani nije otrovan jer da jeste ljudi nebi mogli ništa jesti.

Every day we eat a considerable amount of DNA from diferent sources (meat and vegetables for example). All this food contains trillions of different mutations most of which are naturally occurring and GMO mutations are only a small fraction of all those. Genetic material in our food is not poisonous, if it was we couldn't eat anything.

U ovom videu se može vidjeti koliko DNA molekule ima u recimo jagodama (i usput kako možete sami početi sa genetskim inžinjeringom u vašoj kuhinji).

In this video you can see how much DNA you can find in a batch of strawberry's (and interestingly it shows also how to start your own genetic lab in your kitchen).

Mutacije unutar DNK ne mjenjaju značajnije njegovu hemijsku strukturu jer se radi o prirodnom polimeru (onaj ko se razumije u organsku hemiju zna od čega ovisi hemijska aktivnost polimera za ostale neka potraže na netu nešto stručniju literaturu).

Mutations inside DNA do not alter its chemical makeup in a drastic manner (changing its chemical reactivity) because DNA is a natural polymer

Onda u čemu je problem?

What is the problem than?

U stvari realna opasnost od GMO proizvoda je više suptilna nego direktna i odnosi se na ekonomiju, neetički pristup genetskim modifikacijama, određena opasnost po ekologiju i potencijal da se GMO koriste u ratne svrhe.

Well, the danger from GMO crops comes from a different source. it is all about economy, ethics,  environmental issues and very high potential of weaponizing this technology.

Patentiranje prirodno nastalih gena je u ovom slučaju je primjer neetičkog ponašanja gdje jedna kompanija (na primjer Monsanto) indentificira recimo gen za proizvodnju nekog vitamina te patentira taj gen te ga niko drugi ne može više koristiti bez da plaća autorske naknade toj kompaniji iako je taj gen nastao prirodno a nije stvoren u labaratoriji.

Example of unethical approach to GMO creation is patent practice where some corporations (Monsanto for example) file patent for discovered usefully genes (a vitamin generating genes for example) which have evolved naturally in some living spaces of animal or plant. That means that this gene can not be used by other parties without paying royalties. 

Otprilike to je slično kao kada bi neki muzičar stavio autorska prava na pjev ptica.

It is like if some musician would copyright a bird song.

Primjer upotrebe GMO kao oružja je posebno opasna mana ove tehnologije. GMO je relativno jednostavna tehnologija i samo prosječno opremljena labaratorija može izvoditi genetski inžinjering. Ovo znači da skoro svako sa malo znanja može proizvoditi GMO, to znači da teroristi ili neki prosječni luđak sa malo više specifičnog znanja, može teoretski proizvesti ubitačni GMO, na primjer GMO bolest, otrovni usjev ili neko drugo biološko oružje poput štetočina izdržljivih na insekticide.

Using GMO as a weapon is serious threat. GMO technology is relatively simple, any average equipped lab can preform genetic engineering. That means that any terror organisation or an average lunatic with a bit of knowledge can theoretically create and disseminate dangerous GMOs. Example are poisonous foods, GMO diseases or pests resistant to pesticides.

Uvođenje GMO usjeva može i hoće poremetiti ekološki poredak područja u kome je zasađen ukrštanjem sa prirodno evoluiranim vrstama, narušavajući prirodnu ravnotežu područja. Ovo može izazvati evolutivnu trku između različitih vrsta i izumiranje organizama koji ne mogu da sustignu GMO organizme i njihove potomke. Međutim ovo se događa prirodno i stalno i bez uticaja ljudi, takva je priroda evolucije. Pitanje je više etičke prirode, odnosno da li mi (ljudi) imamo pravo uticati u tolikoj mjeri na prirodan poredak.

Inserting GMO crops in an uncontrolled environment can and probably will disrupt ecological balance of that environment. GMO crops will interact and crossbreed with naturally evolved organisms disrupting the ecological balance and forcing evolutionary rebalance of the region, possibly forcing local extinction events of organisms which can not compete with GMO and its descendants. Keep in mind that this is not unheard off in nature, it happens all the time naturally as one spices takes over from another. This is more an ethical issue than a direct danger: Do we have (the people) the right to interfere with nature in such invasive way?

Ekonomske posljedice GMO tehnologije su dosta kompleksne ali se svode na to da firme koje se bave sa tom tehnologijom kroz svoje patente i proizvode mogu i hoće pokušati uspostaviti monopol nad proizvodnjom hrane i drugih proizvoda. Kompanija koja drži u svojim rukama proizvodnju hrane i ljekova drži cjeli svjet za muda. Primjer je primjena terminator sjemena (sjeme koje se može posijati samo jednom i ne može se razmnožavati dalje) uz pomoć kojeg kompanije mogu prisiliti farmere na ovisnost o tom sjemenu kroz pravne ili čisto ekonomske pritiske. Farmer je prisiljen kupovati samo to sjeme (zbog ekoloških zakona, kroz vezajuće ugovore ili jednostavno jer to sjeme daje superijorniji proizvod) i na taj način kompanija dobija direktnu kontrolu nad proizvodnjom. Zanimljivo terminator sjeme je u stvari prvenstveno pokušaj da se rješi ekološki uticaj GMO na okoliš jer sprječava širenje GMO usjeva u okolinu zbog nesposobnosti tih GMO da se razmnožavaju.

Economy consequences of GMO are a bit complicated but it all boils down to an attempt of huge GMO companies to corner the production of food and other GMO products (like medicine) and assert a monopoly through means of laws, patenting, binding contracts and similar. Company who holds monopoly over production of food, holds entire World to his balls (it holds all of us hostage). The examples are terminator seeds (seeds which produce crops but ca not procreate further), the company, producer of those seeds can force farmers to use it through law or economy pressures. Farmer is compelled to use those seeds (because of some environmental laws, through binding contracts, or just the product delivered through those seeds is superior to any other) and thus through those seeds company gains direct control over production of the crop. Interestingly enough Terminator Seeds were developed not for the financial gain but to limit ecological impact of GMO because those GMOs wouldn't be able to spread outside designated areas and interact with wild environment disturbing the ecology.

Na kraju / At the end

GMO je jedan od najkorisnijih tehnoloških napredaka u modernoj povjesti, međutim izgleda kao da je to napredak ispred svog vremena i ljudsko društvo još ne zna kako se postaviti prema tome odgovorno jer ne postoje jasni pravni okviri koji reguliraju tu praksu i zloupotrebe su jako česte. Ne samo to, mediji vole napuhati problem i sijati paniku zarad gledanosti time samo nadodavajući na već postojeću paniku. Radi se o novoj tehnologiji koju većina ljudi ne razumije i strah od toga je razumljiv, pomalo liči na strah od neizmjenične struje koji je vladao u Americi tokom rata struja između Edisona i Tesle kada je Edison svjesno širio laži o opasnostima neizmjenične struje.

GMO is one of the biggest advancement in technology in recent years but it looks to me that it happen a bit before its time. Our society is not yet clear how to react to it responsibly. Clear legal boundaries still do not exist to regulate this emerging and important technology and abuse is rampant. Not only that, general population is very much misinformed with bombastic claims and wrong facts. Media as usual just fuels this mistrust with misinformation and fueling the panic all of it in an unethical attempt to boast its relevance and thus revenues. It is a new technology and suspicion of an average citizen is called for, it has some parallels with big fear from alternate current during electric current war between Tesla and Edison in the beginning of 20th century when Edison did spread lies about AC being dangerous. 

GMO je budućnost sa potencijalom da iskorjeni mnoge bolesti i eliminiše glad u svjetu ali izgleda da većina ljudi još nije spremna razumno prihvatiti tu tehnologiju. Mnogi je se boje iz neznanja, a mnogi vide samo dolare ispred oči i primjenjuju monopolističke i pravne začkoljice ne bi li se obogatili preko noći i ponašaju se neetički prema tehnologiji koja ima ogroman potencijal (bilo kudeći ili promovirajući je). Obadvije strane u argumentu se ponašaju neetički i protiv općeg interesa svih građana.

GMO has potential to revolutionize production of food to even eliminate hunger worldwide and wipe out many diseases which plague our society, but it looks like that many of us are not ready to accept this technology in reasonable way. A lot of us are afraid because we have wrong information's and many other only see potential dollar signs floating around ($$$$$$$$) and use all monopolistic and legal loopholes to achieve their goals. Both sides of argument (pro and counter) are behaving unethically and against public interest.

GMO je korisna i opasna tehnologija, poput nuklearne zavisno kako se koristi. Kao što se od uranijuma može napraviti korisni reaktor koji napaja čitavu državu energijom tako se može napraviti i razorna bomba koja može razoriti neku manju državu. Tako i GMO može nahraniti čitavo čovječanstvo da više nikad ne bude gladi i bjede isto tako u rukama luđaka, genetski modifikovana bolest može istrjebiti čovječanstvo.

GMO technology is dangerous as it is useful, like nuclear technology. We can use Uranium for example to build a reactor to give power to a small country or we can build a bomb and destroy that country. Similarly with GMO we can feed entire human population and send hunger in history books where it only belongs or we can make a GMO weapon and erase humanity from the face of the Earth.

U principu GMO je nuklearna tehnologija našeg vremena, u potpunosti neutralan napredak nauke i na kraju kao i uvjek sve ovisi samo o ljudima.

In a principle, GMO is nuclear technology of our time, it is neutral as any other scientific progress, in the end it all falls on us to decide what to do with it.

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