Saturday, November 15, 2014

Četvrti dan na kometi, Philae spava / 4th day on a comet, Philae is asleep

Čitavu noć je trajala borba da se mali lander održi u funkcij i izvuku podaci. Na žalost na kraju su baterije izdahnule ali ne prije nego li su svi podaci izvučeni, mali lander spava, barem za sada. Međutim nekoliko bitnih komandi je uspiješno poslato landeru prije nego li su se baterije potrošile i možemo očekivati da će nam se Philae javiti ponovo idućih mjeseci. Naime dvije bitne komande su uspiješno izvršene, lander se izdigao 4 cm i rotirao oko 35° što bi trebalo dati više energije sa solarnih panela. Međutim za sada čak ni ta količina energije nije dovoljna za funkciju i lander je prešao u hibernaciju. Zahvaljujući ovim manevrima za očekivati je da će se lander ponovo javiti i nastaviti sa istraživanjima kasnije, kada kometa priđe bliže Suncu.

The fight to keep little lander awake and to retrieve all the data lasted all night. Unfortunately on the end the batteries went empty and little lander went asleep but not before all data was retrieved. Philae is asleep, for now. A set of successful commands were sent to the lander to lift the body for 4 cm and turn for 35°. Those moves will give the lander a bit more of the sunlight to operate, but not now, later, when comet comes closer to the Sun, Philae might receive enough energy to resume its work, to collect data from the comet and send it back home.

Mjesto prvog spuštanja Philae landera,
zeleni kružić predstavlja mjesto predviđenog spuštanja
 od strane tima koji je upravljao spuštanjem
Place of first touchdown of Philae,
green circle represent the predicted spot
of landing by the Earth team.
Iako je lander radio samo 3 dana, planirana misija je obavljena, Philae je uspio izvršiti planirani niz eksperimenata i svi podaci su poslati na Zemlju samo nekoliko minuta prije hibernacije u bukvalno filmskoj napetosti u sjedištu operacija u Njemačkoj.

The lander operated only for 3 days but planed mission was successful. Philae managed to preform planed chain of experiments and send data back to Earth, just minutes before he run out of power in what seemed like movie tension back in OPS on Earth in Germany.

Nevjerovatna avantura malog landera je trenutno pauzirana ali po svemu sudeći nije završena.

The incredible adventure of this small lander is over for now but not ended.

Što se sve izdogađalo? / What we all witnessed all this days?

Teško je napraviti rezime, sve se izdogađalo tako brzo i frenetično. Philae je doživio kvar i nije se uspješno usidrio na kometi. Međutim ono što se dogodilo tokom spuštanja niko nije očekivao. Philae je odskočio sa površine, prvo jednom i taj skok je trajao više sati i išao u visinu skoro 1 kilometar, (novi rekord u skokovima) zatim je odskočio drugi put i taj skok je trajao 7 minuta da bi na kraju se smirio u podnožju litice obližnjeg kratera.

It is difficult to give a full resume, all of it happen so fast in a frantic sequence of events with nerve wracking ups and downs, there was joy, happy crying and probably a lot of cursing (although i don't have any evidence of cursing I just assume it). Philae had a malfunction and failed to anchor on the comet. What happen next nobody expected. The lander bounced of surface, once, that bounce lasted few hours and brought up the lander 1 km (0.6 mile) above surface, (the highest jump ever preformed, a new record, anybody?) than it jumped again and that jump lasted for 7 minutes before he came to rest near a cliff of nearby crater.

Međutim tokom prvog dodira sa površinom lander je automatski ušao u istraživački mod i počeo ispitivati površinu. Ovo znači da su naučnici na zemlji dobili podatke sa ne jednog mjesta sletanja već sa tri kao i podatke iz preleta. Trenutno svi ti podaci su uspiješno primljeni na Zemlji i u fazi su proučavanja.

But at the first touchdown the lander went in to science mode and started collecting data from surface. This means that scientists got date from not one but three landing sites as also all the data during the unexpected jumps. At the moment all those data have been received back on Earth and are already in scientist hands.

Fotografija koja pokazuje kako baterije otkazuju
Photo of batteries failing
Na žalost finalni položaj landera pokraj litice nije dobar jer drži u sjenci lander veći dio kometskog dana. Ovo znači da se lander morao ograničiti na trošenje unutarnjih baterija da obavi ostala istraživanja.

Unfortunately the final touchdown place was far from optimal as the nearby cliff keeps most of the sunlight out of react to little lander and Philae is in shadow most of the comets day. This means that Philae had to use its internal batteries to preform its duties.

I pored toga lander je uspio obaviti čitavu primarnu sekvenciju ispitivanja, radeći besprijekorno do posljednjeg wata raspoložive energije i sve je to poslao na Zemlju.

Against this hard adversity the lander managed to preform its primary science sequence, working without a glitch through all of it, to the last watt of available energy and send all the results back home.

Ovo je quote sa službenog bloga: / This is a quote from official blog which is covering the mission:

15 November 2014
Rosetta’s lander has completed its primary science mission after nearly 57 hours on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. 
After being out of communication visibility with the lander since 09:58 GMT / 10:58 CET on Friday, Rosetta regained contact with Philae at 22:19 GMT /23:19 CET last night. The signal was initially intermittent, but quickly stabilised and remained very good until 00:36 GMT / 01:36 CET this morning. 
In that time, the lander returned all of its housekeeping data, as well as science data from the targeted instruments, including ROLIS, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 and CONSERT. This completed the measurements planned for the final block of experiments on the surface.

 Ovo znači da je Philae i pored nedaća uspiješno obavio cijeli svoj primarni zadatak i poslao podatke nazad i sada naučnici imaju čitav niz novih informacija o kometi koji će biti proučavani idućih dana.
ROLIS, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 i CONSERT su nazivi eksperimenata i mjerenja koje je Philae obavio tokom ovih 3 dana avanture, a oni znače:

ROLIS, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 and CONSERT are names of experiments and measurements taken by Philae during this few days of its adventure and those mean:

1. ROLIS: Rosetta Lander Imaging System, CCD kamera visoke rezolucije koja je snimala panoramu i tokom spuštanja.
2. COSAC: COmetary SAmpling and Composition, gasni hromatograf i maseni spektrometar odnosno kombinacija uređaja za analizu uzoraka iz okolnog terena. Ovo znači da je philae uspješno izbušio površinu komete i ispitao uzorke iz tla.
3. Ptolemy: Mjerač stabilnih izotopa u uzorku, odnosno uređaj koji će dati odgovor dali su naši oceani porijeklom sa kometa (odnosno možda najbitniji razlog slanja ove cijele misije)
4. SD2: Drill, Sample, and Distribution subsystem, odnosno kratko prevedeno bušilica je odradila svoj zadatak perfektno, da buši onamo gdje niko nikada nije bušio.
5. CONSERT: COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission experiment, odnosno radarski odjek sa Rozeta sonde u orbiti kroz tijelo komete kojeg prima Philae koji mapira unutrašnju strukturu komete.

1. ROLIS: The Rosetta Lander Imaging System is a CCD camera which takes pictures of its surroundings and panorama.
2. COSAC: The COmetary SAmpling and Composition instrument is a combined gas chromatograph and time-of-flight mass spectrometer to perform analysis of soil samples and determine the content of volatile components.
3. Ptolemy: An instrument measuring stable isotope ratios of key volatiles on the comet's nucleus, essencilay this is one of the main scopes of this mission, this instrument is used to determinate if water on Earth comes from comets.
4. SD2: Drill, Sample, and Distribution subsystem, well the name says it all, it is the drill and it did its job, To drill where no man has drilled before.
5. CONSERT: The COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radio-wave Transmission experiment is using electromagnetic wave propagation to determine the comet's internal structure. A radar on Rosetta will transmit a signal through the nucleus to be received by a detector on Philae.

Na žalost nekoliko drugih eksperimenata nije obavljeno poput, APXS, ÇIVA, MUPUS, ROMAP i SESAME koji ovise o kontinuiranom radu landera. Međutim ovo ne znači da se ta ispitivanja neće uraditi s obzirom da postoji velika šansa da se Philae aktivira kada kometa dođe bliže Suncu i kada solarni paneli dobiju dovoljno energije. Opis ovih eksperimenata možete naći na stranici wikipedije posvećene Philae landeru:

Unfortunately some of planed experiments couldn't be done such as APXS, ÇIVA, MUPUS, ROMAP i SESAME because all of those depend on the continuous operation of the lander with steady power supply. But that does not mean that those experiments will not be done in some future time as there is a big chance that lander will wake up when the comet comes close to the Sun and solar panels receive enough power. The description of all this experiments zou can find on Wikipedia page deditacted to Philae:

Sve u svemu, ova frenetična 3 dana su bili možda najuspiješnija 3 dana u istoriji evropskih svemirskih istraživanja, dobivena je gomila podataka koji će biti predmet proučavanja dolazećih godina. 

I ne zaboravimo najvažnije, spustili smo se na jebenu kometu!!!

All in all, those 3 frantic days were maybe the most successful days in history of European space program, we receives a flood of new data which will be researched for many years to come.

And do not forget peeps we actually landed on a freaking comet!!!
Pogledajte posljednje dramatične trenutke iz kontrolne sobe onako kako su predstavljeni na Twitteru dok naučnici posmatraju posljednje wate energije koji nestaju iz landera:

Check the last dramatic moments from the OPS as shown through Twitter feed as scientists observe last watts of energy seeping away from lander batteries.

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