Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lansiranje Oriona / Launch of Orion

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Lansiranje Oriona, prvog pravog svemirskog broda koji će ljudsku posadu ponovo odvesti na Mjesec ali takođe i na asteroide u bliskom prolasku pokraj Zemlje i možda na Mars.

Launch of NASA Orion, first real space ship which will take human crews back to Moon and also to NEO asteroids and maybe to Mars.



Lansiranje je kancelirano za danas. U svakom slučaju sjutra će biti novi pokušaj u isto vrijeme. Postojao je cijeli niz manjih problema danas, od vremenskih uslova do raznih alarma sa rakete koji su spriječili lansiranje. U svakom slučaju sjutra je novi dan i nadam se da će imati više sreće.

So, the launch was canceled for today. A range of alarms and weather conditions had plagued this launch window so ultimatly it was postponed for tomorrow. Anyway see ya all  same time tomorrow and hope for better luck.



Za one koji nisu pratili lansirenje direktno, evo videa sa NASAKennedy kanala na Youtube.

For all those whom didn't follow the launch live, here is clip of it from NASAKennedy Youtube channel.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Četvrti dan na kometi, Philae spava / 4th day on a comet, Philae is asleep

Čitavu noć je trajala borba da se mali lander održi u funkcij i izvuku podaci. Na žalost na kraju su baterije izdahnule ali ne prije nego li su svi podaci izvučeni, mali lander spava, barem za sada. Međutim nekoliko bitnih komandi je uspiješno poslato landeru prije nego li su se baterije potrošile i možemo očekivati da će nam se Philae javiti ponovo idućih mjeseci. Naime dvije bitne komande su uspiješno izvršene, lander se izdigao 4 cm i rotirao oko 35° što bi trebalo dati više energije sa solarnih panela. Međutim za sada čak ni ta količina energije nije dovoljna za funkciju i lander je prešao u hibernaciju. Zahvaljujući ovim manevrima za očekivati je da će se lander ponovo javiti i nastaviti sa istraživanjima kasnije, kada kometa priđe bliže Suncu.

The fight to keep little lander awake and to retrieve all the data lasted all night. Unfortunately on the end the batteries went empty and little lander went asleep but not before all data was retrieved. Philae is asleep, for now. A set of successful commands were sent to the lander to lift the body for 4 cm and turn for 35°. Those moves will give the lander a bit more of the sunlight to operate, but not now, later, when comet comes closer to the Sun, Philae might receive enough energy to resume its work, to collect data from the comet and send it back home.

Mjesto prvog spuštanja Philae landera,
zeleni kružić predstavlja mjesto predviđenog spuštanja
 od strane tima koji je upravljao spuštanjem
Place of first touchdown of Philae,
green circle represent the predicted spot
of landing by the Earth team.
Iako je lander radio samo 3 dana, planirana misija je obavljena, Philae je uspio izvršiti planirani niz eksperimenata i svi podaci su poslati na Zemlju samo nekoliko minuta prije hibernacije u bukvalno filmskoj napetosti u sjedištu operacija u Njemačkoj.

The lander operated only for 3 days but planed mission was successful. Philae managed to preform planed chain of experiments and send data back to Earth, just minutes before he run out of power in what seemed like movie tension back in OPS on Earth in Germany.

Nevjerovatna avantura malog landera je trenutno pauzirana ali po svemu sudeći nije završena.

The incredible adventure of this small lander is over for now but not ended.

Što se sve izdogađalo? / What we all witnessed all this days?

Teško je napraviti rezime, sve se izdogađalo tako brzo i frenetično. Philae je doživio kvar i nije se uspješno usidrio na kometi. Međutim ono što se dogodilo tokom spuštanja niko nije očekivao. Philae je odskočio sa površine, prvo jednom i taj skok je trajao više sati i išao u visinu skoro 1 kilometar, (novi rekord u skokovima) zatim je odskočio drugi put i taj skok je trajao 7 minuta da bi na kraju se smirio u podnožju litice obližnjeg kratera.

It is difficult to give a full resume, all of it happen so fast in a frantic sequence of events with nerve wracking ups and downs, there was joy, happy crying and probably a lot of cursing (although i don't have any evidence of cursing I just assume it). Philae had a malfunction and failed to anchor on the comet. What happen next nobody expected. The lander bounced of surface, once, that bounce lasted few hours and brought up the lander 1 km (0.6 mile) above surface, (the highest jump ever preformed, a new record, anybody?) than it jumped again and that jump lasted for 7 minutes before he came to rest near a cliff of nearby crater.

Međutim tokom prvog dodira sa površinom lander je automatski ušao u istraživački mod i počeo ispitivati površinu. Ovo znači da su naučnici na zemlji dobili podatke sa ne jednog mjesta sletanja već sa tri kao i podatke iz preleta. Trenutno svi ti podaci su uspiješno primljeni na Zemlji i u fazi su proučavanja.

But at the first touchdown the lander went in to science mode and started collecting data from surface. This means that scientists got date from not one but three landing sites as also all the data during the unexpected jumps. At the moment all those data have been received back on Earth and are already in scientist hands.

Fotografija koja pokazuje kako baterije otkazuju
Photo of batteries failing
Na žalost finalni položaj landera pokraj litice nije dobar jer drži u sjenci lander veći dio kometskog dana. Ovo znači da se lander morao ograničiti na trošenje unutarnjih baterija da obavi ostala istraživanja.

Unfortunately the final touchdown place was far from optimal as the nearby cliff keeps most of the sunlight out of react to little lander and Philae is in shadow most of the comets day. This means that Philae had to use its internal batteries to preform its duties.

I pored toga lander je uspio obaviti čitavu primarnu sekvenciju ispitivanja, radeći besprijekorno do posljednjeg wata raspoložive energije i sve je to poslao na Zemlju.

Against this hard adversity the lander managed to preform its primary science sequence, working without a glitch through all of it, to the last watt of available energy and send all the results back home.

Ovo je quote sa službenog bloga: / This is a quote from official blog which is covering the mission:

15 November 2014
Rosetta’s lander has completed its primary science mission after nearly 57 hours on Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. 
After being out of communication visibility with the lander since 09:58 GMT / 10:58 CET on Friday, Rosetta regained contact with Philae at 22:19 GMT /23:19 CET last night. The signal was initially intermittent, but quickly stabilised and remained very good until 00:36 GMT / 01:36 CET this morning. 
In that time, the lander returned all of its housekeeping data, as well as science data from the targeted instruments, including ROLIS, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 and CONSERT. This completed the measurements planned for the final block of experiments on the surface.

 Ovo znači da je Philae i pored nedaća uspiješno obavio cijeli svoj primarni zadatak i poslao podatke nazad i sada naučnici imaju čitav niz novih informacija o kometi koji će biti proučavani idućih dana.
ROLIS, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 i CONSERT su nazivi eksperimenata i mjerenja koje je Philae obavio tokom ovih 3 dana avanture, a oni znače:

ROLIS, COSAC, Ptolemy, SD2 and CONSERT are names of experiments and measurements taken by Philae during this few days of its adventure and those mean:

1. ROLIS: Rosetta Lander Imaging System, CCD kamera visoke rezolucije koja je snimala panoramu i tokom spuštanja.
2. COSAC: COmetary SAmpling and Composition, gasni hromatograf i maseni spektrometar odnosno kombinacija uređaja za analizu uzoraka iz okolnog terena. Ovo znači da je philae uspješno izbušio površinu komete i ispitao uzorke iz tla.
3. Ptolemy: Mjerač stabilnih izotopa u uzorku, odnosno uređaj koji će dati odgovor dali su naši oceani porijeklom sa kometa (odnosno možda najbitniji razlog slanja ove cijele misije)
4. SD2: Drill, Sample, and Distribution subsystem, odnosno kratko prevedeno bušilica je odradila svoj zadatak perfektno, da buši onamo gdje niko nikada nije bušio.
5. CONSERT: COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission experiment, odnosno radarski odjek sa Rozeta sonde u orbiti kroz tijelo komete kojeg prima Philae koji mapira unutrašnju strukturu komete.

1. ROLIS: The Rosetta Lander Imaging System is a CCD camera which takes pictures of its surroundings and panorama.
2. COSAC: The COmetary SAmpling and Composition instrument is a combined gas chromatograph and time-of-flight mass spectrometer to perform analysis of soil samples and determine the content of volatile components.
3. Ptolemy: An instrument measuring stable isotope ratios of key volatiles on the comet's nucleus, essencilay this is one of the main scopes of this mission, this instrument is used to determinate if water on Earth comes from comets.
4. SD2: Drill, Sample, and Distribution subsystem, well the name says it all, it is the drill and it did its job, To drill where no man has drilled before.
5. CONSERT: The COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radio-wave Transmission experiment is using electromagnetic wave propagation to determine the comet's internal structure. A radar on Rosetta will transmit a signal through the nucleus to be received by a detector on Philae.

Na žalost nekoliko drugih eksperimenata nije obavljeno poput, APXS, ÇIVA, MUPUS, ROMAP i SESAME koji ovise o kontinuiranom radu landera. Međutim ovo ne znači da se ta ispitivanja neće uraditi s obzirom da postoji velika šansa da se Philae aktivira kada kometa dođe bliže Suncu i kada solarni paneli dobiju dovoljno energije. Opis ovih eksperimenata možete naći na stranici wikipedije posvećene Philae landeru:

Unfortunately some of planed experiments couldn't be done such as APXS, ÇIVA, MUPUS, ROMAP i SESAME because all of those depend on the continuous operation of the lander with steady power supply. But that does not mean that those experiments will not be done in some future time as there is a big chance that lander will wake up when the comet comes close to the Sun and solar panels receive enough power. The description of all this experiments zou can find on Wikipedia page deditacted to Philae:

Sve u svemu, ova frenetična 3 dana su bili možda najuspiješnija 3 dana u istoriji evropskih svemirskih istraživanja, dobivena je gomila podataka koji će biti predmet proučavanja dolazećih godina. 

I ne zaboravimo najvažnije, spustili smo se na jebenu kometu!!!

All in all, those 3 frantic days were maybe the most successful days in history of European space program, we receives a flood of new data which will be researched for many years to come.

And do not forget peeps we actually landed on a freaking comet!!!
Pogledajte posljednje dramatične trenutke iz kontrolne sobe onako kako su predstavljeni na Twitteru dok naučnici posmatraju posljednje wate energije koji nestaju iz landera:

Check the last dramatic moments from the OPS as shown through Twitter feed as scientists observe last watts of energy seeping away from lander batteries.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Treći dan na kometi / 3rd day on a comet

Prije nekoliko minuta preko Twitter-a je službeno najavljena nova press konferencija o rozeta misiji. Konferencija će se održati 14 Novembra (danas) u 13:00 GMT. Postoji i Google+ event kojemu se možete pridružiti na idućem linku:

Before few minutes was officially announced via Twitter a new media briefing about Rosetta Mission. The press conference will be held on 14th November (today) at 13:00 GMT. Also associated with this press conference a Google+ event exist so you can join if you want. The link follows:

Ja ću kao i obično pratiti cijeli događaj kao i ostale izvore informacija i ažurirati ovaj post prema potrebi.

I will as usual follow this event and update this blog post with all relevant and new information I find around using all news sources I have access to.

Samo da dodam evo zanimljive slike koja prikazuje mjesto sletanja onako kako ga vidi sonda Rozeta

Just to add, here is an interesting photo which shows the landing site as seen from Rosetta probe


Update 1

Uprvavo je velika novost izašla na Twetter preko naloga: Druga velika novost je da sam upravo naučio da mogu embed tweet i da ne moram uzimati screenshot. Svi mi učimo po nešto iz svega ovoga :D.

Just this moment big news have come out from Tweet account: The other news is that i just learned how to embed tweets in blog directly. All of us will learn a lot from this events :D

Ali da ne duljim, evo ga Tweet:
But I digress, here is the Tweet:
Što ovo znači? Ovo znači da Philae nije u previše problematičnom položaju čim može izvršiti bušenje površine. kako su to izveli vjerovatno će objasniti na konferenciji za štampu. Ja lično jedva prije čekam.

What does this mean? Well it seems that Philae is not in to much precarious position as they can drill the surface of the comet. How they did it at the moment it is unknown but surely it will be explained during media briefing. I surely can`t wait.


Update 2

Kometa koja pjeva / Singing comet

O čemu se radi?

Oko komete postoji slabo magnetsko polje koje se sudara sa sunčevim vjetrom što izaziva vibraciju ioniziranih atoma u razrijeđenoj komi komete (kometska atmosfera). Ovo stvara vibrirajući zvuk koji se može detektovati dovoljno osjetljivim instrumentima. Međutim ovaj zvik je preslab i veoma niske frekfencije tako da je za potrebe ovog klipa ubrzan i pojačan oko 10000 puta. Astronomi su bili poprilično iznenađeni ovim otkrićem jer se smatralo da je magnetsko polje kometa preslabo da izazove ovaj efekat. Sada treba otkriti odakle potiče ovakvo mjerljivo magnetno polje jer se smatralo da ga komete ne mogu imati.

Detale možete naći u ovom članku:

What is all about?

Around this comet a very weak magnetic field exist which interacts with solar wind causing ionized gas from comets coma (comets atmosphere) to vibrate. This forms a sort of vibrating sound which can be detected with sufficiently sensitive equipment. This sound is to week to be normally heard so to make this audible clip the vibration was accelerated and intensified to come in to human audible range for about 10000 times. it was a pretty big discovery as scientist thought that comets have to weak magnetic field to produce this kind of effect. Now they must figure out a good explanation to explain how a small comet like this can generate such measurable magnetic field.

Details you can find in this article:


Update 3 

Hangout link:


Update 4, last for today

Iz svega što je rečeno danas iz raznig izvora i uključujući gore linkovani hangout, može se zaključiti da je radni vijek landera pri kraju zbog potrošenih baterija. Na žalost pozicija na kojoj se lander našao ne dozvoljava solarnim panelima da prikupe dovoljno svjetlosti da proizvedu dovoljnu količinu energije za rad. Večeras će biti moguće posljednji kontakt sa landerom ako ga u opće bude. S druge strane postoji mogućnost da se lander probudi sam od sebe kada kometa priđe Suncu i nastavi sa radom kako se zračenje sa sunca bude povećavalo i kometa bude postajala sve aktivnija. Trenutno lander buši i uzima uzorke iz tla i svi se nadaju da će imati dovoljno energije da obavi posao i pošalje rezultate nazad na Zemlju, večeras, prije nego li baterije konačno izdahnu.

From all news found today, including the above hangout, we can assume that lander is about to run out of power soon, maybe even tonight. unfortunately the lander solar panels are not receiving enough radiation to produce enough power to power the small craft. Tonight will probably be the last contact with lander before batteries run out of power assuming that lander has enough power to do even that. There is hope that the lander will reactivate at later time as comet approaches the Sun and solar panels receive more light from it. At the moment lander is taking soil samples and everybody hopes that it will have enough power to analyse it and send data home.

S druge strane ako se uspije uspostaviti kontakt večeras, naučnici planiraju poslati komande landeru da obavi neke funkcije u pokušaju da se izvuče iz "rupe" u koju se uvalio i izloži solarne panele Suncu i tako produži svoj radni vijek. Ali to će biti riskantan potez jer lander na kometi teži jedva 1 gram pošto je gravitacija komete veoma slaba (oko 100 000 puta slabija nego na Zemlji) tako da takav manevar može imati nepredvidljive posljedice.

On the other hand, if mission control manages to make contact with lander tonight, they are planing to send a set of commands to try to make the craft dig it self out from the "dark hole" and expose it`s solar panels to the Sun. In any case this will be a risky maneuver because the weight of the lander is just about 1 gr (0.035 ounce) as gravity pull of the comet is minuscule (100 000 times lower than Earths) and this can cause unpredictable effects.

Međutim uzbudljivi period ove misije tek predstoji. Naime kometa se približava Suncu i pravo istraživanje tek predstoji, kako se komet bude budio pod uticajem zračenja i formirao gustu komu dok gasovi iz jezgre budu izbijali na površinu. Najbliži prolaz Suncu kometa 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko će imati u Avgustu 1915 godine tako da će najveći dio istraživanja ove komete biti urađen upravo u tom periodu. Ako sve prođe kako treba biti ćemo svjedoci stvaranja gejzira na površini kometa kako voda i zamrznuti ugljendioksid budu sublimirali stvarajući komu (kometsku atmosferu). Mnogi veliki izazovi tek predstoje kako se goleme količine gasa i prašine budu oslobađale sa površine. Ovo će biti tek pravi ispit za našu tehnologiju, da li će sonda izdržati i uspijeti se održati u tom divljem okruženju uzavrele komete?

Fotografija Halejeve komete sa sonde Giotto
Photo of the Halley comet nucleus by probe Giotto
But after all the most important period of this mission is not the landing of Philae (although it was historic event and milestone in space technology) but the comets approach closer to the Sun. The real science will start only then as comet wakes up from cold slumber and starts boiling off the water and carbon dioxide forming a vast coma around nucleus. 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko will be closest to the Sun only in August 2015 and we can expect big changes on the surfaces and a lot of science coming from Rosetta, giant geysers outgassing from surface and a lot of activity, as gas and dust envelop the Rosetta probe. Some real challenges to our technology are still ahead. Will the probe be strong enough to survive the wild environment of a boiling comet?


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Philae na kometi, nastavak avanture / Philae on the comet, the adventure continues

Prije nekoliko minuta objavljeno je nekoliko zanimljivih tweet-ova na Twetter nalozima vezanim za Rosetta misiju. Objavljena je fotografija uslikana na mjestu sletanja Philae landera te neki podaci oko sletanja landera. Između ostaloga izgleda da je lander odskočio nekoliko puta po sljetanju. Međutim i pored pomenutih problema lander izgleda za sada funkcioniše dobro o čemu ova fotografija svjedoči. Za sada još nema informacija kako će nestabilnost landera prouzročena kvarom uređaja za sidrenje (harpuna) uticati na funkciju sonde. Nadam se da ćemo imati više informacija tokom dana.

Before few minutes on Twitter accounts associated with Rosetta missions we got some new information about the fate of the lander Philae. It looks like the lander is functioning well as the first picture from landing site suggests. On the other hand it looks like that lander had preformed at least three bounces across the surface due to the failure of anchoring devices (harpoons). At present there are no information how this anchoring failure will affect the mission. i hope we will have some more information during the day.

Fotofrafija sa mjesta sletanja
Photo from landing site
Trenutno se novosti mogu pratiti preko Twittera na iduća dva Twitter naloga:
At the moment you can follow Twitter feed on this two accounts associated with Rosetta Mission:

Ja ću i dalje pratiti protok informacija i ažurirati ovaj blog post kako nove vjesti budu dolazile.
I will continue to monitor news feed and update this blog post as new information are available.


Update 1

Prema podacima sa bloga Rosetta Operations, kontakt sa landerom je uspostavlje oko 06:01 UTC, u početku nestabilan ali kasnije dovoljno dobar da lander počne sa slanjem podataka. Kontakt je ponovo izgubljen oko 09:58 UTC što je predviđeno jer je sonda ponovo zašla iza horizonta. Prema informacijama sonda će biti u kontaktu sa landerom dva puta dnevno po nekoliko sati kako bude obilazila oko komete.

As per info from official Rosetta Operations blog the contact with lander was made at 06:01 UTC this morning, unstable at first but later good enough to transmit data from lander. The contact was lost again at 09:58 as Rosetta probe went below the comet horizon. The contact with lander will occure twice per day as Rosetta probe orbits the comet.

Informacije o ovome možete naći na ovom linku:
The blog entry with this information you can find on this link:


Update 2

Današnji media briefing, direkni link: link:
Media briefing from today, direct link:

Daklen izgleda da lander stoji nagnut na površini i u sjenci i da ne dobija dovoljno energije što će uticati na ispitivanja koja će lander moći obavljati. S druge strane ESA planira pokušati ispraviti lander tako da se mogu obaviti sva moguća ispitivanja. Lander je 2 puta odskočio od površine i sada se nalazi nekoliko stotina metara od planiranog mjesta sletanja (crvena kockoca), vjerovatno na obroncima obližnjeg kratera (plavi romboid).

What is known until now is that lander is tilted and in shadow and it is not receiving enough energy from the Sun. This condition will affect how much science ESA will be able to preform on surface. But on the other hand ESA is planning to try to erect the lander properly during following hours to place it in better position. As it is, lander bounced 2 times off surface landing several hundred meters off planed landing site (red square) into shallow nearby crater (blue diamond shaped mark).

Ova posljednja slika ocrtava panoramu oko landera i vjerovatan položaj samog landera. primjetiti će te da jedna fotografija, gornja pokazuje samo nebo.
The next picture shows panoramic image and position of the lander within it. You can notice that upper photo shows just sky.

U svakom slučaju možemo očekivati neke novosti tokom idućih sati. Za detalje pogledajte medija briefing video iznad.

In any case we can expect more information in the following hours. For details you can check the above briefing video.

Update 3, last for today

Najavljena je nova konferencija za štampu, sjutra oko 13:00 GMT. i dalje ću pratiti situaciju i adekvatno ažurirati blog.

A new press conference was announced for tomorrow around 13:00 GMT. I will continue to follow the events and will update my blog accordingly.

U međuvremenu evo jedne zanimljive mape na kojoj se mogu pronaći imena svih država i kompanija koje učestvuju u misiji ili su učestvovale u izradi Rosetta sonde.

In the meantime here is an interesting map showing all countries and companies whom are or were involved with the mission.

Thanks for reading this blog and cya tomorrow.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Philae se spustio / Philae has landed

Philae se spustio na kometu, prve fotografije se mogu očekivati za oko sat vremena.
Pratite događaje onako kako se odvijaju direktno na:

Philae has landed on the comet, first photos should arrive to Earth in about a hour.
Please follow the events as they follow at:


Update 1 (Twitter): 

Izgleda da harpuni nisu opalili. Philae je na kometi ali nije propisno usidren i postoji opasnost da tokom rada odskoči. Naučnici iz kontrole na zemlji će pokušati opaliti harpune ručno.

It looks like harpoons on board did not fire. Philae is on the comet but not anchored to it and danger exist for it to bounce off during work. The team on Earth will try to fire the harpoons manually.


Update 2:

Slika sa landera dok se spuštao na
kometu sa 3 km visine

Photo of the comet from lander during the descent 
from 3 km altitude (about 10000 feet)
Prve fotografije sa landera stižu na Zemlju:

First photos from lander are arriving to Earth:


Update 3:

Još jedna slika sa landera, ovaj put sa Facebook stranice:

Another photo from the lander, from the Facebook page of the mission:


Update 4:

Prema najnovijim informacijama Philae je stvarno odskočio sa komete (jer harpuni nisu opalili) ali se ponovo spustio na nju i dobiveni podaci govore da se smirio na površini. Trenutno je izgubljena radio veza sa landerom ali to je bilo za očekivati pošto je sonda Rosetta zašla za horizont komete i Philae više nije vidljiv njenim instrumentima. Sada treba čekati da se sonda vrati u pogodnu poziciju da se uspostavi kontakt. To bi se trebali dogoditi negdje sjutra ujutro.

As per latest news it was confirmed that harpoons didn't fire and it looks like that lander has in fact bounced of the comet and landed back second time safely and now it is in rest on surface. At the moment the radio link with lander is lost but that was expected as Rosetta probe went under the comets horizon and the lander is not visible any more from the probe. Now we need to wait until probe comes back in to view from the lander to reconnect the radio link, probably until morning.


Update 5, final one:

Webcast je završio a novi postovi sa novostima se mogu očekivati tek sjutra. Zato ću prekunuti ažurirati ovaj članak i otpočeti novi sjutra. Nadam se da će biti dobrih vijesti. U međuvremenu našao sam ovu veoma zanimljivu sliku koja stavlja kometu u perspektivu sa poznatim vidicima. Ovdje se uspoređuje sa Manhatnom.

Webcast is over and we can not expect any news from the comet until tomorrow. Because of this I will end updating this article and start new one tomorrow if new important information come from ESA. in the meantime i found this interesting picture which putts the comet core in to perspective with known landscape. In this case with Manhattan. 

Prve fotografije spuštanja Philae na kometu / First photos of Philae landing on comet

Ovo je prva fotografija odvojenog landera sa sonde.
This is first photo of detached lander from the Rosetta probe:

Provjerite ostale fotografije kako budu stizale sa sonde na Facebook stranici ESA-e Rosetta Mission:
Check the rest of photos as they arrive from the probe at Facebook ESA Rosetta Mission page:

Philae se upravo spušta / Philae is landing

Phila se upravo spušta i webcast upravo traje, imali su nekoliko pokušaja sinoć koji su bili neuspješni, međutim prije nekoliko sati lander se uspiješno odvojio i spušta se bez problema. Telemetrija u redu i može se očekivati touch down za nekoliko sati.

Promijenili su webcast webstranicu a link evo ovdje:

Philae is landing right now and webcast is in progress. As I understand they had few unsuccessful tries to separate lander from the probe during last night, but finally they managed to do it and Philae is under way and expected to land in few hours pulled down by comets weak gravity. All is going well.

The webcast is on new webpage and here it is:

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pećina kristalnih Džinova / Cave of crystal giants

Duboko u planinama sjevernog Meksika, blizu grada Naica postoji jedinstvena pećina zvana Pećina Kristalnih Džinova. Otkrivena 2000 godine pljeni pažnju naučnika geologa, avanturista i biznismena. Međutim sama pećina je zaštićena od pogleda znatiželjnika prirodnim i ljudskim preperekama toliko da je uživo kristale vidjelo tek šačica ljudi. Ostali se mogu zadovoljiti samo fotografijama.

Deep in the mountains of North Mexico near mining town of Naica a unique cave exist called the Cave of Crystal Giants. it was discovered in year 2000 and it captures the curiosity of adventurers, scientists and Entrepreneurs alike, ever since. But the cave is protective of its secrets, protected by extreme nature of the place and by people operating the mine in which was found. because of that the cave was seen only by handful of people. Rest of us can see it only through photographs and documentaries.

Povijest otkrića ide ovako: / The history of the discovery goes like this:

Na mjestu gdje se nalazi pećina već dosta dugo postoji rudnik srebra, jedan od najizdašnijih u Meksiku a možda i u svijetu. Rudari su godinama išli u dubinu zemlje tražeći taj plemeniti metal. Često se događa da kopajući tako nailaze na zatvorene pećine u dubinama zemlje, obično potopljene vodom koja se uliva u rudnik praveći poplave. I u ovom slučaju scenario je bio isti, rudari su prodrli u pećinu, a vrela voda iz pećine je poplavila rudnik. Poslje više dana ispumpavanja radnici su uspijeli isušiti vodu, zatim su ušli u novootkrivenu pećinu i imali su što da vide:

At the place where the cave was found a huge mine of silver exist, one of the biggest in mexico and the world. Miners dig deep to find minerals and often they find underground water flooded caves which than flood the mine. In this case the scenario was the same, miners managed to open the cave (by accident) and hot water from the cave flooded the mine. After several days of pumping workers managed to dry the flood and managed to enter the cave to see an otherworldly scenery: 

Čitava pećina je pokrivena kristalima, većina su visoki 5 ili 6 metara pa čak do 12 metara protežući se poput stubova svugdje dokle pogled pruža. Na žalost ovo otkriće je prošlo relativno nezapaženo, vlastima u rudniku nije bilo u interesu da otkrivaju postojanje ovih kristala iz straha da ne izazovu poplavu znatiželjnika koja bi ih ometala u daljnjoj exploataciji srebra u rudniku. Međutim glas se ipak nekako probio van, i svjet je postao svijestan novog prirodnog svijetskog čuda.

The entire cave is covered with huge crystals, most 5 to 6 m (16 to 20 feet), some even 12 m (40 feet). Unfortunately initial discovery went unnoticed, the mine authorities were reluctant to publicly acknowledge the existence of the cave due to fear it will bring all sorts of adventure bound people which would interfere with the mineral exploitation. But the news went out eventually and the world became aware of newly discovered natural wonder.

Međutim iako su vlasti u rudniku važan faktor u spriječavanju okolnih znatiželjnika da posjete ovu pećinu najvažniji faktor u stvari su uslovi unutar pećine. Nime pećina se nalazi na nekoh 300 metara ispod površine, temperatura u njoj je oko 58 stepeni C, a vlažnost je oko 100%. Ovo čini da je ljudsko tijelo hladnije od okoline i voda se tokom disanja direktno kondezira u plućima praktično utapajući posjetitelje. Bez zaštitnog odjela koje ima ugrađeno hlađenje i disajnog aparata u pećini je moguće izdržati tek oko 10 minuta, a čak i sa opremom jedva malo više od 30 minuta. Zbog toga, pećina je dostupna samo opremljenim ekipama istraživača koji nemaju problema sa nabavkom takve opreme.

Although the mine authorities are important factor in preventing people getting to the cave, more important factor are the extreme conditions inside cave. The cave is situated about 300 m (about 1000 feet) below ground, temperature inside is near 58 C (136 F) and humidity is full 100%. This means that human body is the coldest place in the cave and water during breathing is condensing directly inside lungs, effectively drowning the person. Without a special environment suit with built in breathing apparatus and cooling the person can stay inside cave only for 10 min and even with full protection you can withstand the extreme environment for about 30 min. Because of this the cave is accessible only to well equipped crews of researchers whom does not have problems to acquire such gear.

Od čega se kristali sastoje i kako su nastali? / From what those crystals are made ad how they came to be?

Kristali se sastoje od selenita, jednog od kristalnih oblika gipsa. Nastali su kristalizacijom u posebnim uslovima kakvi vladaju u dubini zemlje. Odmah ispod pećine nalaze se vulkanski izvori topline, ogromni rezervoari lave koji su grijali vodu u pećini. Pod uticajem tople vode gips iz okolnih stijena se rastvorio u vodi u formu poznati kao anhidrit, odnosno suhi gips, ili oblik gipsa u kojemu nema vezanih molekula vode. Tokom milenija lava ispod pećine je počela da se povlači u dubinu što je smanjilo temperaturu unutar pećine. Čim je temperatura pala ispod 60 stepeni C anhidrit je počeo upijati vodu pretvarajući se u selenit koji se zatim počeo plagano kristalizirati na zidovima pećine.

The crystals are made of a mineral selenite one of many forms of well known gypsum. They have formed through crystallization in extreme environment. Right below the cave (and mine) a pocket of magma exist which were heating the water inside the cave. The hot water leached the gypsum mineral from surrounding rocks and became saturated with it in a form known as Anhydrite or dry gypsum (note, dry gypsum is a mineral without water inside its molecular structure but still can be dissolved in it in that form and retain a dry structure). After a millenia the magma pocked receded downward and the temperature inside cave dropped. Because of this dissolved mineral went through a change, temperature fell below 60 C (140 F) and anhydrite started to absorb surrounding water changing in to normal gypsum and than precipitate on surrounding cave walls as crystals of selenite.

Kako je temperatura i dalje bila taman na granici hidracije (58 stepeni C) cijeli proces se odvijao veoma polako što je omogućilo kristalima da narastu do nevjerovatnih razmjera. i tako je bilo sve do 2000 godine kada su rudari prodrli u nju, ispustivši svu vodu vani. Zanimljivo, sami kristali su nevjerovatno mekani, tvrdoće poput ljudskih noktiju, veoma krhki. Procijenjena starost kristala je oko 500 000 godina računajući da ova vrsta kristala raste brzinom od 0.5 do 1 mm godišnje.

As the temperature was constant, around 58 C (136 F) for a long time (many thousand years) just on a border of anhydrite hydration the process was very slow and crystals were able to grow to giant sizes. All of that happening until 2000 when the cave was breached, water drained and all of it discovered. Interesting the crystals are very soft, hard as human fingernails an very fragile. The oldest crystals in the cave were estimated to be around 500 000 years old with rate of growth of 0.5 to 1 mm annually (0.02 to 0.04 inch).

Kakva će biti sudbina ovog nevjerovatnog mjesta? / What is the future of this place?

Postoje čisto tehnički problemi zaštite ovog mjesta. Naime kristali su toliko veliki da će se vremenom početi savijati pod težinom (jer više nema vode da podupire kristale) i lomiti se. Takođe gasovi iz zraka će prodirati u kristale stvarajući hemijske reakcije koje će na kraju zamagliti kristale. S druge strane pećina će uvijek biti izvan dohvata masovnijeg turizma zbog nedostupnosti i ekstremnih uslova u njoj. Takođe i rudničke vlasti ne vide ovu pećinu kao prioritet, čak je vide kao smetnju ekspanziji rudnika zbog medijske pažnje i velikog interesovanja naučnih krugova.

The purely technical problems to protect this cave, exist. The crystals are so big that they will start to bend and brake under their immense weight because the water which supported them is drained out. Also gases from the atmosphere will penetrate its structure making crystals losing their shine and becoming dull and grey. The cave will always be out of limits to most of the visitors due to its extreme environment. Also the mine officials do not se the preservation of this cave as a priority, even perceive it as a nuisance preventing in some way the expansion of the mine due to media and scientists attention.

Postoje predlozi da se cijelo pdručje pećinestavi pod zaštitu UNESKO-a na veliko negodovanje dotičnih vlasnika rudnika. S druge strane naučni značaj ove pećine je ogroman ali zbog loših uvijeta u pećini istraživanja idu sporo. Jedan od ciljeva je i otkriti dali u pećini postoji bilo kakav oblik života, pogotovu u dubljim djelovima pećine koji još nisu bili izloženi uticaju vanjskog zraka i možda se još nalaze pod vodom (naime niko još nije uspio obići cijelu pećinu i u većini slučajeva speleolozi su prodrli tek nekoliko desetina metara oko ulaza).

The plan exist to declare the cave and surroundings as a World Heritage Site under UNESCO protection. On the other hand the relevance of this find in the science community is huge but extreme environment inside cave prevents the research to progress with any significant speed. One of major goals is to check if any native lifeforms exist inside cave, especially deeper inside where pockets of original water still might exist.

S druge strane postoji čitav niz sličnih pećina u okolini koje sadrže kristale samo puno manjih veličina, mnoge od kojih su do danas devastirane od strane lokalnih prospektora koji kopaju kristale i prodaju zainteresovanim turistima. Naime čitavo područje je relativno siromašno i ljudi krpaju svoj budžet nedozvoljenim rudarenjem po okolini, ništa nepoznato kao i drugdje u svijetu gdje lokalni ljudi iskopavaju umjetnine u blizini arheoloških nalazišta ili fosile u blizini paleontoloških nalazišta i prodaju ih na crnom tržištu. Nije isključeno i da će sama pećina džinovskoh kristala doći na red eventualno.

Also around this area many caves exist with similar setup just with much, much smaller crystals, many of which were damaged by local prospectors whom mine those to sell to the passing tourists. The entire area is relatively poor and many residents engage in freelance mining (many times illegally) to get some extra fiances to make ends meet each month. This is not unheard of as this kind of activity plague all important find sites around world, archaeological, paleontological, geological (like this one) as local population is searching those areas for interesting finds to sell on black market. We can assume that this cave will not be protected forever from this kind of exploitation.

U svakom slučaju opstanak ovog mijesta je upitan, međutim s druge strane čitav niz naučnih spoznaja čeka da bude otkriveno, duboko pod zemljom i možda još novih i neviđenih ljepota koje su bile skrivene milijonima godina.

Postoji i nekoliko dokumentaraca koji se mogu naći po netu o ovome, Discovery-a i Nacionalne Geografije.

In any case the future of this cave at this moment is uncertain but on the other hand many discoveries still await inside, deep underground and maybe more of such caves exist to dazzle us with their beauty, hidden from sight for millions of years.

Several of documentaries exist about this topic made by Discovery and National Geographic, it is a good idea to check those. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Direktan prenos spuštanja Rozetinog landera Philae na kometu 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko / Live coverage of landing on a comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko by Rosettas Philae lander

Na ovom videolinku se može pratiti direktan prenos spuštanja Philae landera sa Rosetta sonde na kometu 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Datum spuštanja je pomjeren na 12 Novembar.

On this video-link you can watch the live coverage of historical Rosetas Philae landing on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Date is 12 November 2014.

Ja ću i dalje pretraživati mrežu da nađem još opcija koje će prenositi direktan prenos spuštanja. Za sada je još rano. S druge strane Nacional Geografik (National Geographic) je najavio takođe specijalni TV program koji će pokrivati spuštanje na dan događaja. Možete takođe odabrati da gledate još čitav niz zanimljivih videoklipova na ESA-inom sajtu na donjem videolinku.

I will search the net for more options for this momentous occasion and post them here. There is also announced TV special from National Geographic which will cover this landing. You can watch more of interesting videos from ESA on this bottom link.

Dodato/Added, Novi link/New link:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Žurnalitičko smeće / Trash Journalism

Sloboda štampe, to je jedna od najvrijednijih tekovina modernog doba, međutim, od kada se u ime slobode štampe mogu pisati ovakve blatantne laži (i gluposti) koje očigledno imaju samo za zadatak uznemiravati neupućene?

Ovo ne samo da nisu tačne informacije nego su i sročene tako da izazovu maksimalnu paniku kod lakovjernih ljudi koji ne provijeravaju ili ne mogu provjeravati svoje informacije.

Naravno sloboda štampe je nešto što se ne smije zanemariti i ovi tvz "novinari" imaju pravo pisati svakojake baljezgarije, međutim sloboda štampe je dvosjekli mač pa stoga imam i ja pravo da ih napadam. Pročitajte ova dva članka:

Freedom of press is one of the most important heritages of the modern age but from when, in the name of freedom of press the journalists are allowed to write this kind of garbage meant only to mislead (lie) and upset the readers.

Not only that those information are lies but are drafted in such way to cause a distress in uninformed reader (whom will or can not check the sources), fear-mongering at its best. 

Of course, freedom of press is not in question, and so all those jerks can write whatever they want but so can I also and expose them as liars as they are. Unfortunately for my English readers those articles are in my native language (Serbocroatian) but I will translate the headlines and that should be enough to see what kind of garbage is presented as news.

(It talks about 3 days of darkness in December which will happen due to some solar flares and even quotes some NASA officials whom allegedly confirm that)

Ovo je sramota za novinarski poziv do te mjere da su i sami autori svijesni toga i potpisuju članak imenom portala.
Na ovom portalu (odakle potiču ovi članci) ima dosta sličnih članaka sa još bombastičnijim i obmanjujućim naslovima, čitav portal vrvi od toga, od svakodnevnih vijesti preko politike i vijesti iz medicine (uglavnom pseudonaučni mumbojumbo poput orogona, liječenja kristalima itd) pa do naučnih vijesti (koje mene lično interesuju). Sve su krcate polu istina, neistina, pogrešno predstavljenih činjenica i sve to je upakovano u tekst sročen tako da zvuči što je moguće prijeteći.
Ovakav trend novinarstva je sve češći po našim novinama i web portalima (kad kažem naše mislim na sve koje koriste srpskohrvatski jezik).

Da mi je znati đe im se dene novinarski integritet u kojeg se svi stalno kunu. 

This is an utter shame for journalists profession and even authors are aware of that as they didn't sign those articles and used the name of the site instead.
On this site you can find a lot of such articles, unsigned, covering all possible topics, from politics, environment, news, medicine (mostly pseudo-scientific nonsense) and "science" news (in which I'm mostly interested), all of them written in misleading, bombastic and fear-mongering way.
I can see this kind of trash journalism expanding everywhere, it is becoming a menace to quality information and real news are all more difficult to find because this trash is clogging the net. 

I wonder where did disappeared the journalist integrity in which all of them are so eager to proclaim on them selves.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Rosetta misija i kratki film kao uvertira u kulminaciju misije "Ambition" / Rosetta Mission and short SF film as overture to the culmination of this mission the Ambition

Daklen, datum je konačno objavljen, 12. Novembra 2014 Svijet će posmatrati prvo kontrolisano spuštanje ljudske tehnologije na neku kometu (67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko). Misina Rosetta se približava kulminaciji, poslje skoro 10 godina navigacije kroz Sunčev Sistem.

So the date is set on 12th November 2014 the world will witness the first historic landing on a comet (67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko). Rosetta Mission is getting to its culmination, after 10 years of space travel through our Solar system.

Sonda je lansirana 2. Marta 2004 godine iz Francuske Guaiane raketom Ariane 5 i predatavlja najambiciozniji projekat ESA-e (Evropska Svemirska Agencija) do danas. Sonda je putovala 10 godina i u međuvremenu posjetila nekoliko objekata Sunčevog Sistema. Tri puta je prolijetala pokraj Zemlje, jedanput pokraj Marsa te pored asteroida 2867 Šteins i asteroida 21 Lutetia, tokom svih prolasaka je poslala čitav niz slika od kojih se mnoge mogu vidjeti na idućem linku.

The probe was launched on 2nd March 2004 from French Guinea on-board rocket Ariane 5 and it is the most ambitious project of ESA (European Space Agency) to date. The probe has traveled for 10 years and made few flyby near many Solar System worlds. Three times have passed near Earth, one time near Mars and near 2 asteroids, 2867 Šteins and  21 Lutetia. Many pictures have been taken during those flybys, some of which can be found in the link below.

Pomenutog 12. Novembra sa sonde će se odvojiti lander nazvan Philae i spustiti na kometu. Odnosno pravilnije je reći da će obaviti dokovanje jer je gravitacija komete preslaba da se obavi klasično spuštanje. Lander će prići kometi i zatim se bukvalno usidriti na površini jer u protivnom bi jednostavno odskočila nazad u svemir.

On mentioned date 12th November 2014 a on-board lander named Philae will detach it self and land on the surface of the comet. Well it will be more like a docking as gravity of the comet is to week to actually count as landing, the lander will approach the surface and than anchor it self on it or better, pin it self on it, otherwise if it attempts classical landing it would just bounce off the surface and float out in to Space.

Zašto je ova cijela misija urađena / Why this mission was undertaken

Mislim da gore urađeni kratki film dobro opisuje razlog iza ove misije. U pitanju nije samo istraživanje i nauka već i pomijeranje granica mogućeg. Novi izazovi i novi horizonti spoznaje. Osnovna misija ovog projekta je da istraži sastav komete i odgovori na pitanje odakle voda na Zemlji. Mnogi naučnici smatraju da je sva voda u našim oceanima i rijekama u stvari porijeklom iz svemira, donesena ovdje padom kometa i asteroida tokom turbilentne prapovijesti dok je naš svijet još bila mlada i beživotna gomila kamenja u dobu kada je Sunčev Sistem nastajao prije više od 4 milijarde godina. Philae lander će ispitati vodu na kometi, njen tačni sastav i odnose među izotopima u molekulima vode i ako odgovara sastavu vode na našoj planeti ona će to biti dokaz odakle naša voda potiče.

I think the above short film captures exactly the spirit of this mission. It is not only science and research but also the spirit of exploration, the thing that we can actually do it in this age in time, moving the borders of what we can do, opening of new horizons. But let me explain the actual mission without romanticism's. The mission goal is to determinate the composition of the comet, especially the composition of water in it, the exact  ratios of isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in it. Today many scientists theorize that all the water on our planet comes from Space, brought here by comets and asteroids long time ago when our planet was young lump of rock, just formed after formation of Sun and Solar system, 4 billion years ago. if those ratios measured on the comet are similar to same ratios found in water on Earth than we will have a clear evidence that our water is actually from space.

Međutim sama misija je i simbol ljudske znatiželje i kao takva prevazilazi osnovnu funkciju. Postavlja nove granice mogućeg i otvara nove horizonte.

But at the same time this mission is a symbol of our curiosity and ambition. It draws new limits for our intellect to cross at some future point.

Ovo me na kraju vraće na kratki film sa početka članka, nastao u kooperaciji ESA-e i Platige studija (glumci: Aiden Gillen (Game of Thrones) i Aisling Francios (BBC The Fall)) koji opisuje to naše stremljenje ka spoznaji i pomjeranju granica mogućeg. Sam film je prikaz jedne ne tako daleke budućnosti, budućnosti u kojoj je nanotehnologija i spoj mašine i tjela stvar svakodnevnice, a sama Rosetta Misija tek dijelom povijeti. Ono što vidimo u filmu je prikaz kontrolisanja materije preko nanomašina i odnos između učitelja i učenice. A ono što učitelj uči učenicu je je teraformiranje odnosno proces pretvaranja beživotne planete u planetu sličnoj Zemlji uz pomoć vode sa kometa.

Lets return back to the short film from the start of the article. It is a collaboration between ESA and Platige studio with two excellent actors: Aiden Gillen (Game of Thrones) and Aisling Francios (BBC The Fall). It represents our aspirations from the perspective of a teacher and pupil set in a not so far away future in which nano-tech and mind-machine interface is norm of the day and Rosetta mission is part of the history used by the teacher as a teaching tool. We see matter manipulation through nanotechnology as part of an mundane event as teaching. The amazing thing is that the lesson is about terraforming a process to transform a lifeless planet in to one like Earth using water from comets.

Nama ovaj film više izgleda kao prikaz magije dok akteri polagano plešu, a svijet se oko njih radikalno mjenja. Međutim to što vidimo je jedan od mogućih efekata napredne nanotehnologije, upotrebe i izrade majušnih mašina, nevidljivih golim okom, čitavih rojeva i danas više ne predstavlja nešto što bi smo smatrali nemogućim.

Artur C. Klark je svojevremeno rekao "Svaka napredna tehnologija je nerazlučiva od magije" i ništa bolje ne opisuje nanotehnologiju od te rečenice.

To us this movie looks like a display of magic as actors preform their small dance changing the shape of the landscape. But this actually represent one of possible outcomes of an emerging technology which will change this world forever, the nanotechnology, ability to manufacture and control machines which are invisible to the naked eye, entire swarms of those. 

Artur C. Clarke once said "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Nothing is more true than this sentence regarding nanotechnology.

Na kraju da se vratim na samu misiju Rosette, želim im pun uspijeh i vjetar u leđa i svi čekamo taj istorijski 12 Novembar 2014. Mislim da će biti i neki direktni prenosi, međutim trenutno ne vidim ništa najavljeno i postaviti ću poseban članak o tome kada dođe vrijeme.

At the end, lets return back to the Rosetta mission, I wish them all the best and full success of the mission. I think that this event will be covered by some real-time press coverage but until now I couldn't find any planed. Anyway I will make a new article about it when time comes.