Thursday, September 4, 2014

Protivnici vakcinacije truju hrvatsku javnost / Opponent of vaccines are poisoning the Croatian public

(Ovo je moj post sa foruma Caffe Del Montenegro, smatram da je ovom postu takođe mjesto i ovdje, uz manje ispravke i dodatke, ovaj post je bio postavljen na tom podforumu Decembar 2013)

(This post was my contribution on another forum (see link above) but I think that there is a place for this also here on this blog. The original text was posted in December 2013 and here is with some smaller changes and with English translation added)

Znam da se to događa u susjednoj državi ali je samo pitanje vremena kada će se ovo pojaviti i kod nas. Naime već duže vrijeme pratim neku žutu i šarlatansku štampu u kojoj se naravno uvelike raspravlja o tome da vakcije povećavaju rizik od autizma. Međutim smatrao sam to tek hirom takvih novina, međutim večeras sam slušao državni dnevnik HRT na kojem se o tome raspravljalo. Naime neko je pokrenuo pitanje da li vakcinacija treba postati izbor za roditelje a ne kao do sada da bude obavezna za dijecu određenog uzrasta i jedan od argumenata je upravo bio i taj da vakcine povećavaju rizik od autizma. Nisam mogao vijerovati da se na toj državnoj televiziji ozbiljno raspravlja o tome.

I know that this is happening in nearby county but it is just matter of time before it will spread in to our own. For some time I'm following some crackpot and gossip press in which there is a lot of nonsense about vaccines spreading autism. I thought about it as just a new fad in those publications which would soon fade, but tonight I followed the prime news program on national TV on which they disused about abolishing the compulsory vaccination and one of the argument in favor of it was (with all seriousness) that vaccines cause the autism. I couldn't believe that was happening and on national TV prime time news program, nothing less.

Nego da obijasnim o čemu se radi, naime 1998 godine bivši doktor medicine (licenca mu je oduzeta) Andrew Wakefield je obijavio studiju u kojoj je povezao MMR vakcinu (vakcina koja se daje protiv diječijih bolesti) sa povećanim stepenom prepoznatih sindroma iz spektra autističnih poremećaja u dijece.

But let me explain first what is all about. In 1998 a study was published by Dr. Andrew Wakefield (now ex Dr.) in which he connects the existing MMR vacinne with elevated risk of developing a autism spectrum symptoms in children.

Ta studija je napravila pravu buru u medicinskim krugovima i čitav niz drugih klinika su počele da vrše svoja ispitivanja ne bi li potvrdili ili opovrgli ovu studiju, međutim poslje iscrpnih istraživanja, poslje 10 godina nije pronađena nikakva veza između ove (ili bilo koje druge vakcine) i autizma.

That study made a big impact in medical community and as soon as it happened a slew of new researches, experiments and tests were under way to confirm or refute the claims. After intense scrutiny for about 10 years the connection between autism and MMR vaccine (or any other vaccine for that matter) was completely refuted.

U međuvremenu originalna studija Andrew Wakefield-a je stavljena pod lupu. Pronađeno je između ostalog da je rađena u sukobu interesa odnosno sa namijerom da pošto se studija objavi da finansijeri ove studije tuže proizvođače ovih vakcina za milionske nadoknade. Ne samo to, cijela studija je urađena bez standardne procedure, eksperimentirano je na ljudima i dijeci bez dozvole ili netransparentno, a što je najgore rezultati studije su falsifikovani tako da prikazuju rezultat koji je odgovarao "doktoru" i njegovim finansijerima. Sve ovo je dovelo do nekoliko velikih sudskih procesa u Britaniji, za prevaru, konflikt interesa i medicinsku nebrigu koje su sve dokazane i dokumentirane.

In a meantime the original study was put under a magnifying glass. From other things it was found that the study was made under conflict of interest as the financial backers of the study planed to sue the big manufacturers of vaccines as soon as the study were to hit the public. Not only that, the study was made with questionable methods, including neglecting the scientific method and doing (some pretty painful) experiments on some test subjects (children mainly) without parents/custodian permissions. To make things worse there were indications that the study was falsified for the results to fit the intended outcome. All of this brought some big court trials in which all of this was documented and exposed and as result the doctors licence was revoked in UK.

Međutim šteta je već bila napravljena, glas o tome da vakcine izazivaju autizam se proširila po svijetu kao požar i roditelji iz straha nisu htijeli vakcinirati dijecu, uljuljkani decenijama bez epidemija diječijih bolesti poput velikog kašlja ili diječije paralize (u državama u kojima vakcinacija nije obavezna). Ovo je za posljedicu imalo poražavajuće rezultate jer su se te bolesti vratile i vraćaju se sa osvetom, epidemije boginja, šarlaha, podušnica, velikog kašlja i diječije paralize se vraćaju na velika vrata u državama poput Velike britanije, SAD i Australije (gdje je vakcinacija neobavezna).

But the damage was already done, the rumor about vaccines causing autism had spread wide and wild among scared parents and thanks to years of calm and freedom from infectious diseases (ironically thanks to the vaccines) the parents started opting to not vaccinate their children. The result of this was a big return of dangerous preventable diseases like measles, mumps, rubellaPoliomyelitis and Whooping Cough  especially in countries in which vaccination is not compulsory like US, UK and Australia.

Zašto se to događa? / Why is this happening? 

Radi se o imunitetu zajednice (ili kako to na zapadu zovu imunited krda, heard immunity), na žalost vakcine ne dijeluju na svakoga, međutim ako je vakcinacija potpuna onda se stvara grupni imunitet gdje ljudi kojima vakcina nije dijelovala bivaju zaštićeni okolinom jer je cijelokupno stanovništvo zaštićeno i bolest se nema gdje razviti. Kako djeluje imunitet zajednice možete vidjeti na ovom videu:

It is all about herd immunity, unfortunately vaccines do not work with everyone but if the vaccination effort is thorough than what happens is that the herd immunity is formed in the population where people with no immunity (because they couldn't be vaccinated for reasons or vaccines did not work) are protected by immune people around and disease can not take hold in that community. How herd  immunity works you can see in the next video:

Međutim imunitet zajednice ima svoj prag efektivnosti koji je (zavisno od bolesti) oko 5% stanovništva. Naime do 5% nevakcinisanih ili onih kod kojih vakcina nije djelovala mogu računati da će ih ostalih 95% ljudi zaštititi svojim imunitetom, jer ako se bolest i pojavi kod nekoga biti će usamljena u moru vakcinisanih i neće se moći prenjeti na idućeg nevakcinisanog jer se on nalazi predaleko. Međutim čim se taj procenat poveća imunitet zajednice više ne dijeluje i bolest počinje da se širi sa osobe na osobu, prvo sporo a zatim kako sve više ima zaraženih sve brže, eksponencijalno.

But herd immunity effectiveness depends on a threshold which is by it self dependent on small percentage of non immune people in the community, that number is around 5% depending on a disease. If percentage of non immune people is higher the herd immunity will not form and thus not work. it works like this, if person falls ill he will be surrounded with immune people which can not contract the disease and the next non immune person will be to far for the disease ti jump on him. But if number of non immune people is to high there is a very high chance that he or she will be too close to the outbreak and that he/she will contract  the malady. The illness would spread first slowly than progressively faster as number sick people grows.

Upravo se ovo i dogodilo, panika nastala ovim prevarantskim činom je dovela do toga da u pojedinim dijelovima svijeta, vakcinacija je opala drastično i sada je u pojedinim zajednicama procenat nezaštićenih čak veći od 20%, u SAD na primer je zabilježen skok oboljelih od diječije paralize do 600%, onamo gdje je bio jedan bolesnik sada ih je 32, ovo se događa i sa recimo velikim kašljem.

And this is exactly what happens, the scare produced with that fraudulent claim made that in some parts of the world, vaccination rates have dropped significantly braking the established herd immunity and allowing the spread of dangerous contagious but preventable diseases and in some communities the rate of non vaccinated people is as high as 20%. That made a open door for a big return of those maladies, in the US for example there is a major increase in cases of Poliomyelitis for about 600%, where was 1 case now there are 32 new. Similar is happening with other maladies like whooping cough.

Zanimljivo za veliki kašalj. Radi se o poznatom ubojici novorođenčadi, u doba prije vakcinacije ova bolest je bila kriva za svaku drugu smrt u kolijevci. Čak i sa vakcinacijom ova bolest je najveća opasnost za novorođenčad jer bebe ne smiju biti vakcinisane protiv ove bolesti barem neko vrijeme (nekoliko mijeseci ili godinu, nisam siguran). Naravno ovdije veliku ulogu igra imunitet krda, jer će se sve te novorođene bebe naći u onih 5% nevakcinisanih i biti će zaštićena kolektivnim imunitetom.

Interesting fact about whooping cough: this malady is considered a prime killer of infants and in the past was responsible for every second death in a crib. Even with effective vaccination this malady is a prime danger for infants as those very young children can`t be vaccinated safely before they reach a certain age as their immune system is too weak and need to develop. In this case the herd immunity comes in place as the only protection to those children, for not to contract this, for them, deadly disease.

Međutim taj kolektivni imunitet je slomljen, pogotovu u Australiji odakle dolaze srceparajuće priče o u potpunosti nepotrebnim tragedijama proisteklim iz straha prouzročenog prevarom ovog engleza.

Unfortunately the herd immunity was broken in some places, especially in Australia from where are coming this heartbreaking news of infants lost to this dangerous but preventable illness (see second video). Those tragedies are senseless and preventable and are occurring only because of this crackpot notion that vaccines cause autism. 

Najgore od svega, postoji organizovani pokret koji promovira ovu ubitačnu laž koju vodi Jenny McCarthy medijska ličnost u SAD koja nema veze sa medicinom, a jedina veza sa cijelom stvari je to što na žalost ima dijete oboljelo od autizma. Njen pokret se proširio svugdje u svijetu promovišući odbijanje vakcinacije i veoma su glasni po tom pitanju usprkos tome što je mnogo puta nedvosmisleno dokazano da su te tvrdnje neistinite, bilo naučnim i medicinskim istraživanjima bilo sudskim procesima i dokaznim materijalom da se radilo o prevari. Ovaj pokret je saam odgovoran za mnoge smrti i invalidnost dijece (dječija paraliza) da bi se trebalo suditi njihovim liderima za ubistvo iz nehata ili nanošenje teških tjelesnih povreda.

The worse of all, the organised movement of spreading this deadly lie exist, led by Jenny McCarthy an US media personality, who has no background in medicine and her the only connection to all of this madness is an unfortunate and regrettable coincidence that she is a parent of an autistic child probably trying to make sense in a wake of her personal tragedy. Here movement has spread all over the world promoting abandonment of vaccination practice and very loudly for that matter, all despite it was undoubtedly proven that those claims were all untrue and fraudulent by many scientific studies and judiciary processes, all documented and available to the public at any moment. This movement by it self is responsible for many deaths and disabilities among children and they should be prosecuted by court for unintentional manslaughter or for causing a severe injure.

Na kraju, zašto pišem o ovome?/ Why I'm writing about this?

Stvar je u tome da sam mislio da smo relativno zaštićeni jer kod nas je vakcinacija obavezna i mi na sreću više ni ne pamtimo dane kada su roditelji strahovali pustiti dijete na kupanje ljeti sa ostalom dijecom u strahu da ne pokupi dječiju paralizu ili Meningitis ili bdijeli besane noći nad posteljom dok dijete kašlje i ne prestaje ili gori pod napadima vrućice šarlaha. Zaboravili smo taj užas koji je bio stvarnost samo prije 30ak godina. Zahvaljujući prevarantima poput Andrew Wakefield-a i nesavijesnim propagandistima poput Jenny McCarthy, ni naše malo misto više nije zaštićeno. Jednom kada uđemo u EU i kada obavezno vakcinisanje postane pravo izbora (kao što u stvari i treba) nepovijerenje prema vakcinama može uzeti maha otvarajući vrata užasima koje smo ostavili iza sebe još prije 30 godina.

The thing is that I thought we were safe in our little place, the vaccination here is compulsory and we do not even remember those past days before 30 years or so when our parents were so scared to let theirs children go play with others in a lake or pool, afraid that they could contract the Polio or Meningitis, or all those sleepless night keeping watch over a desperately coughing child grasping for air. Thanks to unscrupulous con artist like  Andrew Wakefield and irresponsible propagandist like Jenny McCarthy neither our little place is safe any more. One day our county will join the EU brethren and then the compulsory vaccination will become a thing of the past (as it should be actually in the name of free choice) but I'm very afraid that all this media madness will take hold, this scare toward vaccines will open a door to all those horrors we though have been left behind as bad memory, 30 or so years ago.

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